Kira Ratliff is an artist that was born in the Philippines and currently based in Richmond, VA that is interested in exploring interaction between individuals as well as other themes such as vulnerability and love.
The yellow rose on the left side of this page/in the background is from me to you. Giving someone a rose is oftentimes seen as a romantic gesture. Yellow roses represent platonic love. I do feel love not just for my romantic partners but my friends and the people in my life, this rose is for you to carry while you explore my online space here. 
Upcoming Exhibitions​​​​​​​
2014-2018 - BFA, Painting and Printmaking, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Past Exhibitions 
April 2018 - Business Casual, Main Street Station, Richmond VA (Group)
April 2018 - Snow Day, VCU Fine Arts Building Gallery, Richmond VA (Group)
May 2017 -  The Brady Brunch, Siegel Center, Richmond VA (Group)
March 2017 - Undergraduate Arts + Design Exhibition, Anderson Gallery, Richmond VA (Group)
March 2016 - Undergraduate Arts + Design Exhibition, Anderson Gallery, Richmond VA (Group)
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